Wearable Apps

Wearable Health Apps – The Future of Digital Healthcare Industry

There is a huge emerging market today for wearable health apps and devices. The apps are deemed to transform the field of medical science and wellness in incredible ways. Such apps are now available in plenty of fields like wellness and health care, security, sports, business operations, lifestyle, glamour, communication etc.

According to researches, the sale of wearable medical devices is expected to reach an annual 100 million by 2016 and the sale of sports related apps is deemed to reach 80 million by 2016. In the healthcare sector, themarket for the wearable technologies is expected to exceed $2.9 billion in 2016. Thus the wearable health devices and apps are being touted as the next big technological wave after tablets.

Wearable technology and devices in healthcare industry have the potential to revolutionize the healthcare market and this will help the patients as well as the clinicians to monitor the vital symptoms and signs of the crucial health parameters like ECG monitors, glucose monitors, blood pressure monitors etc.


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